How to Get Your Art on Products Sold in Retail Stores
Course4.8 average rating (51 reviews)Ever wonder how to get your artwork in retailer stores like Target and Walmart? In our new video on art licensing, Gina Jane will show you how to license the same image on all different kinds of products, from gift bags to textiles.
Painting with Anna Daviscourt
Course4.9 average rating (13 reviews)The road from a blank canvas to a final painting doesn't need to be a scary one. Join illustrator Anna Daviscourt as she guides you through transforming a sketch into a luscious digital painting with four simple steps!
Rabbit Cycle Demo
Course4.9 average rating (13 reviews)An in depth look at how to go from initial concept to final image.
Characters and Conversations
Course4.7 average rating (7 reviews)In this video, Will Terry chats with Piper as she creates one of her daily paintings for your viewing pleasure. They discuss her art process, getting into the art biz, schooling options for artists and more in this packed 2-hour episode.
How To Discover Your Style
Course4.9 average rating (78 reviews)Powerful tips to help you discover your style
What makes a Children's Book a Bestseller
Course4.1 average rating (30 reviews)It's something everyone in the publishing industry wants to know - why do some books sell and some books don't?